Your personal data processing will be totally protected as provided by Lagislative Decree N° 196/2003, whose main details deal with legality, uprightness, clearness and respect for individual rights.
According to the aforesaid decree, all mutual personal data , whether directly or undirectly aquired, are allowed to be processed by “Federico Lonati – Car Hire” both on papery and computerized device, in order to satisfy bystander terms and favour an effective increase of future interests.
Mutual personal data must be exclusively released to fulfill the above–mentioned aims, as well as to all subjects legally licensed, even by sideline regulations, and consequently to all public bodies whose partnership might improve the Undersigned´s commercial items, such as:

- Banking Companies /Corporations
- Credits Recovery Companies
- Credits Insurance Companies
- Professional workers / Corporate Advisers
- Local and iternational Transports Companies

Personal Data will be spread only within Customers/Suppliers Service. All terms stated in D.Lgs. N°196/2003 will be able to be exercised. “Federico Lonati – Car Hire” in the person of Mr. Lonati will be in charge and responsible for Data Processing.

Via Coppi, 9
20040 Cambiago
Copyright © Autonoleggio Federico Lonati 2010 - VAT 05949740962